Saturday 12 January 2013

Another previous students film opening! - SIGNATURE

The film opening Signature, begins by showing the Candi Studio company ident, and then the following titles follows: 
  • A film by 
  • Produced by
  • Main actors (stars!)
  • Edited by 
  • Music by
  • Casting by 
  • Film Title
This film also doesn't follow the general order of a title sequence. However, not all films have to as long as they have a purpose for doing it the way they do. In this case, I think that putting the title at the end of this opening built up the tension and added more suspense as it really makes the audienceanxious. The font style relates to the title and each title stays on the screen for a reasonable time, allowing the viewers to read them.

They used close-up shots and even better, EXTREME close-up shots which really engages the audience with what they see; for example the props (mise en scene) which hinted the genre and revealed the elements of the ccharacter. 

They used different angles to make the opening look more interesting (e.g. low angle shots of the girl to show that she is the main character, perhaps the more dominant one).

The opening is set in one room - the bathroom - which really creates a trapped feeling/atmosphere. The lighting of the toilet is sterile, creating tension and relating to the possible psychological sub-genre and thriller genre.  

The eerie non-diegetic sound creates tension in the atmosphere. The silence adds suspense, which indicate the thriller genre. The dripping water sound really engages the audience and puts them in the edge of their seats.

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