Sunday 6 January 2013

Comparison between Reservoir dogs and our remake

There are a few differences between our version and the original. One being the quality. Our shots were mainly out of focus and we weren't aware of this which does make our remake look amateur. Another thing I'm comparing is the framing. Our remake didn't have the best framing because we broke the rule of thirds meaning we ended up having too much wasted space on the top and at the sides of the shots. This is something we will need to work on. Due to the bad framing we also ended up with Mid-Shots instead of tight close ups, which is what the original opening had. In regards to the Mise en scene, we used shades, like in the original. The original cast were wearing smart suits and were all male. We decided, as there are more girls in our group than boys, that our cast should be all female. We did originally plan to have a male lead, but unfortunately, he wasn't in when filming and we know now not to rely on others and always have a back-up plan. We have lots of things to work/improve on, but overall our attempt at this wasn't too bad. We had a group member missing so as a result we had think on our heads and improvise, but we know what we have to do improve for our actual thriller.

You can see the difference between the two shots here. The original is focused nicely and there isn't any wasted space, unlike in ours.

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