Sunday 20 January 2013

More on genre and sub genre

Genre and Sub Genre - Scary movie (2000)
This is film is a horror comedy (parody movie). The name automatically suggests scenes with relations to horror/thriller as it is Scary and a movie. One thing that really draws attention is the masked person right in the middle of the poster, this relates to the comedy side of the film as he looks as if hes having a good time with friends possibly in the cinema, having some popcorn. Furthermore, the masked person is a relation to the film Scream - a crime horror film. Also, the male actor on the left holding a tee with "I SEE DEAD PEOPLE" written on it relates to the film Sixth Sense - a psychological thriller.
Targeted audience
For this kind of movie with relations to horror and comedy it would most likely be 15+. Also, this poster would probably attract more male viewers due to the females showing off their chest but still being decently covered.

Genre and Sub Genre - Hunger Games (2012)
This is a action adventure/sci-fi (science fiction) film. The name of the film relates to the film being about action due to the possibility of 'games of hunger'. Additionally, the picture of the girl looks like she is holding a bow which also related to the aspect of action as well as adventure within the film. Also, behind the name there is an image of something resembling a phoenix, this could relate to the aspect of science fiction within the film as a phoenix is a mythical creature.
Targeted audience 
Probably 12+ due to the fact that the main genre of the film is action, for both males and females.

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