Wednesday 9 January 2013

INSIDE- Student film evaluation

This embedded video is of a student film. Here are some of the points I made about it:
  • Eye line shots are used when we see the character in the phone box, to make us feel a little un-easy like she is feeling. This character feels she is being watched and we get that feeling too through the camera shots.
  • The mid shot of the guy on the bench leaves us wondering who he is, as he hasnt got a head, and if he is evil...
  • The setting and lighting becomes dim/darker. This may be to hint that something bad is about to happen.
  • The non-diegetic sound creates tension in the scene. There is silence, which creates suspense and then there is a heart beat sound to really keep the audience on the edge of their seat. The diegetic sound of the phone ringing could be used to spook the audience, before reverting back to the non diegetic sound to make us think the phone booth is not safe.
  • The effects at the beginning on the text, making the cars and people move faster, is done to keep the audience interested.

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