Wednesday 9 January 2013

Extension Task - Documentary 'Watching'

1) Tomas Sutcliffe means that films need to be able capture the audiences attention and keep them interested for a long time. The idea to just jump straight is always one that is hard to resist and sometimes does not pay off. If the film is not interesting from the beginning, then it is not worth watching.

2) The risks of 'instant arousal' is that it may not work. The audience may not be satisfied with the film.

3) The audience must feel they know enough to thoroughly enjoy the film. They don't want it spoiled, however,  they need to know some information about it so they have a feeling of what to expect.

4) "That the film began with an establishing shot, say new york city, usually seen from the east, then a close up of a building, the camera goes up a building into a window pass the receptionist desk to a private office and ther sat..." It works because you are told where it is taking place, who stars in it, their occupation and the organisation of the world.
5) It gets straight to the point. It lets the audience know it is not a slow movie.
6)To make it the beginning of an adventure. Orsen Wells intended the opening to be seen without credits AND title music. He wanted to plunge the audience into the story without giving them time to prepare themselves. The studio were more cautious. They put a score and credits through it so the effect was lost because they were cautious.
7) 'A favourite trick of film noir' means starting the film with a sort of ending. Looking ahead at what is to come.
8) The camera never strays from the car and non diegetic music helps create suspense.

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