Tuesday 22 January 2013

Research on student film openings

  • someone sharpening the Knives against each other (Diegetic sound) 
  • Cutting into an onion with a knife( Diegetic sound) 
  • Hammering the meat (Diegetic sound)
  • chilling, eerie( non-Diegetic music)
Mise en scene:
  • The  blood stains on her hand could connote how dangerous she is and foreshadowing a series of bad events to come. 
  • The water changing colour to red could emphasize on her character and how she has changed from a normal, happy person to a dangerous, murderer.
  • The focusing of the knife could tells us that this is the main weapon used throughout the film.
  • The setting is in a small kitchen/dining room and the lighting of the room is dark and bright in some areas of the scene. This could represent her dark, dangerous side and the bright lighting could represent her sympathetic, happy past.
  • Transitions  e.g. fades are used when their an image of the girl laying her head on the table with blood smothered all over her to when it fades into the girl eating the meat she had prepared.  This shows both these scenes are linked together.
  • Slow motion of the red wine being poured into the class shows the effects of the drink changing into a different colour similar to the type of character she will play in the film.

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