Saturday 26 January 2013

Extra blogging on genre and sub genre

Fair Game

The genre is a Thriller and the sub genre is Action thriller. The key signifiers that tell you it is a Action thriller is the clothing the characters are wearing. They are dressed in black which could suggest they are detectives. Also their facial expression suggests they are out to solve a problem. The target audience of the film 'Fair Game' are mainly male audiences as majority of them enjoy this type of genre.

Dream House

The sub genre to this film is a horror thriller. The key signifiers which tell you this is the picture of the two little girls. There facial expression look haunting and scary which tells us it is horror as they have black bruised eyes and  pale faces. Also the picture on top look as if the characters are about to solve a mystery so this indicates the thriller side to the film. The target audience for this type of film is teenagers around 15+ as it is more of a thriller film than a gory, bloody horror film.

Friends with benefits

Friends with benefits is a romantic comedy. The key signifiers which tell you this is the facial expressions and the way they are posing suggests both the characters are cheeky and have a good sense of humour. The picture of the man and woman indicates love as they look as if they have a crush on each other and could lead to something more. The target audience for this type of film are teenagers and adults. Both the characters are placed in the middle of the poster this could connote equal characters and it is also to attract viewers as Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis are major stars.

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