Wednesday 9 January 2013

Health and safety tutorial

Health and safety Tutorial

Before my group started using the equipment to film we were introduced to the health and safety tutorial which gave us an inside view of how to use the filming equipment. This tutorial helped us to understand each key element of a JVC G4 HM100E camcorder. Along with the camcorder came a tripod, battery and Memory card. Once we had been introduced to the health and safety tutorial we then had the chance to experience filming using the equipment.

This is JVC G4 HM100E camcorder we will be using to create our thriller opening

Once we had received the camcorder, we then had to insert an SD card which is used to store our films onto. After the filming has been done we can watch them back using the SD card which can be plugged into the Mac computers. We then learnt how to slide in the battery making sure it fit right into place. We then switched on the camcorder and practiced zooming in and out of an object after we had practiced within our groups we then learnt how to switch from automatic mode to manual mode.

 Key information whilst using the camcorder:
  • Don't touch the lenses of the camcorder as it could damage the lenses.
  • No drinks next to the equipment in case of spillage.
SD Card and Battery

Finally we were introduced to the tripod. The tripod allows us to do different camera angles and to keep the camera in a still position, so we can get a clear footage of what is happening in the video. It  is good for when you need to use tracking or panning in the video. Also it creates a good filming process as the videos is not blurry they are still and clear.

How to set the tripod up

  • Extend the legs of the tripod so it is safe to set it up. it can also be extended to film at a high angle.
  • You then lock the legs of the tripod so it is in a still position and doesn't prevent the camera from falling of it.
  • The handle at the top is used to face the camera in a different direction whilst filming.
  • Lastly slide the camera the right way so it makes a click noise. This noise tells you whether the camera is stabled.

 Tripod for the JVC camcorder


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