Sunday 6 January 2013

Screenshots of editing the remake (Reservior Dogs)

These are some screen grabs of the editing we did to our remake of Reservoir Dogs, in order to make the our opening look more like an opening rather then just a few moving shots. It was our first time editing shots, therefore we did our best at making the opening look interesting, effective, thrilling and entertaining. Shireen, Amina and Larah did the editing since Quddus was not in so he couldn't help us out. We used the Final Cut Pro software to edit our remake of the film opening. During the editing process, we added sound/music, text/title sequence, shortened some clips/shots and changed the pace of the film by using slow motion editing.

Here is a screenshot of us adding the text (also known as the title sequence) to our opening using the Final Cut Pro software.

This is a screen grab of the font style we used for the title sequence. We chose this specific font style as it is clear and readable, similarly to the font used in the original opening. We also chose to make the font coloured yellow as the original did the same.

This is a cropped screen grab of the overall edited remake. It is around 1 minute long because we shortened some of the shots that were too long or unnecessary.

Here is a screenshot showing that we added in sound to our remake. We added the backing track/music of the original soundtrack used in the original film opening.

Here's a screen grab of the shot we did in the 'cafe' (although we used the staff's kitchen for this) to recreate the first scene in the original opening.

Finally, this is the shots we took in our second location (outside of college, near Owens park) to recreate the close-up shots/mid shots of the characters. This is the scene where the characters walk on the street (we used the pathway as it was to dangerous with the cars) in slow motion. We changed the pace of these shots to a lower pace in order to create a slow motion effect, like in the original.

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