Saturday 12 January 2013

Looking at previous students film opening! - INSIDE


The film opening Inside, starts by showing the Candi Studio company ident, and then the following titles follows: 
  • Company titles (Candi Studios and Marsh Media)
  • A film by 
  • Film Title 
  • Main actors (stars!)
  • Other actors 
  • Edited by 
  • Production Designer 
  • Executive Producer
  • Directed by 
Judging by the titles, it doesn't seem to follow to typical order of a title sequence. Also, the titles don't appear on screen for the right amount of time, they seem to just pop up quickly which makes it hard for the audience to read - so the viewers won't know properly who actually starred in the movie.

The titles were presented in an interesting way, almost like underground trains passing by. Similar to the titles presented in The taking of pelham 123 - Intertextuality.

The fast motion and slow motion editing used to show the people in the city (in the beginning of the opening) keeps the audience engaged as it reveals the setting and hints the genre of the film (thriller).
Eye line shots were used when we see the girl in the phone booth, to allow the audience to feel a little un-easy like she is feeling - portraying her emotions to the viewers easily. The charater feels as though she is being watched and this is indicated through the use of the high angled shots, which creates tension.

The use of mid shot of the guy creates suspense and looks mysterious as they avoid revealing the characters face (a hidden identity). This makes the viewer suspect that he is bad because he looks as if he is hiding something. 

The costume and props of the man: dark black suit, tie and brief case really add to the mise en scene (the black colour connotes evil or darkness), indicating the thriller genre. The lighting throughout the opening becomes slightly dimmer/darker, in order to hint that something bad is coming up or is about to happen. This creates suspense, like in all thriller films.

The non-diegetic sound creates tense atmosphere in the scene. There is partial silence which believe also adds to the suspense feeling. The heart beat noises really grab the attention of the audience and keeps them on the edge of there seats. The diegetic sound of the phone ringing is possibly used to thrill the audience and make them feel anxious, before retreving back to the non-diegitic sound to make us think the phone booth is not safe.

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