Thursday 17 January 2013

Thriller Film - House at the end of the street

The film 'House at the end of the street' does use most of the conventions of a film opening. The conventions of a film opening are as follows:

'House at the end of the street' is a horror/thriller type of film.
  • Shows a title sequence
  • Title of the film
  • Key characters may be introduced
  • Setting/location may be introduced
  • Company idents at the beginning
  • Tells us the genre were going to watch

What genre is it?
The film title has a bold, chilling effect to it which automatically tells you this is going to be a horror/thriller genre as most horror films create this kind of font to grab the attention of the audience.

'Relatvity media presents' and 'Film nation entertainment' are the production and distribution companies. These appear in the title sequence.
This is the film title which appears in the title sequence.

The setting/location is introduced in the title seqence as well as the actual film. The picture of the house in the sequence tells us this is going to be the main focus of the film. Also the name of the film gives us an idea of what the storyline is based on.

The four main characters are introduced in the beginning and appear throughout the film. The girl in the first picture appears in the film opening this is so the audience can get a good look at the main character who creates all the drama in the film. Once they have shown a bloody, terrifying opening  the girl disappears into the forest and then skips to a normal family moving into a new house. This leaves the audience wondering what will happen next and wether it will be a happy ending or a bad one.

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