Sunday 9 December 2012

Research on a film openings - Six feet under

The film opening of Six feet under identifies many conventions which allows the audience to get an inside view of whats to come. 

The conventions of the film opening Six feet under are as follows:
  • Title sequence - Introduces the main characters who are starring in the film. The close up shots of the images and also the name of the film itself Six feet under tells us a bit about the film and what is to come.
  • The opening scene sets the mood and also the eerie non-diegetic sound track being played sets the tone of the film opening.
  • During the film opening the settings of the film is introduced. Which is of a deserted area. Various images of a corpse, flowers dying and a image of two people letting go of each others hands are shown to suggest they link to the deserted area it could foreshadow something bad happening later on in the film.
  • The camera shots and effects of the images being displayed creates a sad, weird feeling for the audience. This grabs their attention and makes them want to carry on watching the film.
  • The non-diegetic sound creates a tense, eerie situation which leaves the audience asking questions about the film.

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