Tuesday 18 December 2012

Info on how the filming went for the remake (Reservior Dogs)

We finished filming the remake as you probably noticed already, since we put up a few pictures of us in our locations setting up our equipment and filming the shots in one of our previous post. So how did it all go?...

Well, my group and I planned the remake (things like the storyboard and the location) really well. We were fairly confident in getting this remake to pretty much a perfect standard. But unfortunately, one of our team members (Quddus) let us down as he didn't make it in on the day, meaning we were unprepared as we didn't think of having a back up plan on who will film instead of him if he doesn't turn up. Luckily enough, Amina managed to get her cousin to film us, whew! Anyway, on the day we had all the props and costume we needed to film the remake. I played the role of one of the characters in the film, and so did Larah and Amina. Now all that is left is the editing, hopefully that all goes well.

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