Thursday 21 March 2013

Question 7 Evaluation

I couldn't upload the presentation so i just copied the information onto blogger.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

  • Pre production
  • Production
  • Post production

Pre production

We made a rough copy of our storyboard by hand at first so we know what scenes/shots will happen within the prelim film. After this we made a digital storyboard for the prelim project. Within this part of the project we researched match cuts but we didn't have any successful cuts. We also researched 180 degree rule and we didn't break it in the prelim project. We just planned on using natural light, we had the props which we needed and the location. The props included a wine bottle, cups, a gun and a pack of cards. The shots we used were pretty basic and we didn't get any successful match cuts.


The filming didn't go too well due to numerous thing one being the framing of some shots weren't very accurate. Also, people kept passing by every few minutes so we had to reshoot a few times. We used a variety of shots but could've had more of a variety as some weren't as successful. We were very organised and had everything that we needed.

Post Production

Editing with the prelim product was okay... We realised that we didn't have any successful match cuts. Also, we forgot to add in credits and there wasn't any sound.


The lighting in the prelim was horrible as it just made the characters come out completely blacked out due to a light source come from the back. Whereas, the mise en scene in the prelim was quite good as we had everything we needed and went quite well with the scenario. Our use of camera in the prelim was quite poor as well as the match cuts. We did add some transitions and a fade in and out on the prelim project. Also, one thing we done well was not breaking the 180 degree rule. The storyboard is below which i couldnt get into order.

Final product

Pre production

We decided to do the same as the prelim project and made a rough copy of the storyboard by hand first and then create a digital storyboard for the final product. The development was that we made the storyboard more detailed. Also, to understand how thriller openings work we researched about film openings such as Se7en and The Orphan.


The use of camera angles, shots and quality was very good, we used a variety of shots and followed the 180 degree rule. The development from the prelim is tat we had very successful shots within our final product and good close ups. We decided to use a spot light within the final product as we were is a dark room, we tried to create an asylum kind of effect with the white walls. The development here was that we planned on using a spotlight as we knew natural lighting wasn't going to be good in a dark room. Also, we had the light coming from the front of the character so we could clearly see them. Mise en scene was really good in the final product as we planned it all out. The development here is that for the prelim we wore what we had came in.

Post production

We used foley and instrumental sounds within the final product to create an eerie effect, the development is that we became more creative with the sounds as we had no sounds in the prelim project. The editing went much better in the final product as we were more experienced with using the editing software (finalcut pro and soundtrack pro) we used transitions, effects such as blur, panning and match cuts. The development here was that we had successful match cuts within the final product whereas, in the prelim we didn't have any. The titles were much much better in the final product as we thought about how it will go on the film we also had them in the conventional order. Whereas, in the prelim they weren't connected in order. The development here was that we researched about the conventional order of titles.

Summing up

Throughout both the productions we learnt numerous things. Main things that I learnt was how to work the camera, to get successful shots like close ups and mid shots. Also, I learnt how to successfully record footage in the rule of thirds and focused. Other things include how to edit recorded footage with titles to make them follow the conventional order. Add effects such as blur and fade and adding transitions. Another editing software that i learnt to use was soundtrack pro which allowed us to add in sounds to add an effect.

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