Monday 4 March 2013

My feedback of the rough cut

After watching back the rough cut of our thriller film, I was really pleased with how most of it turned out; for example the framing, quality, etc. I like how we purposely made the camera look shaky in places to hint to the viewers that she is disturbed. To improve the film (as this was only rough cut), we could create a stronger ending that would make a more dramatic suspense by re-arranging our shots. I think putting the close-up shot of my face will create more of an impact and really engage the audience. I also think that we should go filming again to get extreme close-ups of certain props we used in the film so that the audience will be drawn to what is being shown. Although overall, I think we have done a pretty good job, especially in comparison to the prelim video and Reservoir Dogs remake. We just need to fix up the sound, shot orders, close-ups, title fonts and title sequence.

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