Thursday 7 March 2013

Comparing title sequnces and openings

Our title sequence is as follows:
  • Production company ident
  • Distribution company ident
  • Production company title
  • Distribution company title
  • Actor 1
  • Actor 2
  • Actor 3
  • Actor4
  • Casting by:
  • Music by:
  • Edited by:
  • Executive producer:
  • Film by:
  • Directed by:
We have based our title conventions on the other psychological thriller Se7en:

  • Production company ident
  • Distribution company ident
  • Distribution company title
  • Production company title
  • Actor 1 (major star)
  • Actor 2 (major star)
  • Film title
  • Actor 3
  • Actor 4
We decided to add some extra titles such as 'edited by' and 'music by' to give our opening a bit more of a realistic and professional feel. We decided to add sound effects instead of an actual musical soundtrack to create a spooky atmosphere for our film. Unlike Se7en our titles are in blood red to help add to the spooky atmosphere, however just like Se7en, our titles appear in different places on the screen, to help keep our opening interesting.

You can see here how our shots are similar to Se7en.

We found Se7en a really useful film to base our opening on, as it wasn't too complicated and was interesting to watch. They had titles that looked incredibly creepy, which we also found effective for our opening.

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