Thursday 21 March 2013

Question 2 Evaluation

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

What is representation?

Representation is how someone or something is shown in particular situation. The seven areas are gender, age, sexuality, disability/ability, regional identity and ethnicity. An example within our film is gender as the males possibly portray a bad role within the film opening as the young girl was crossing out only male names.

What is social groups?

A social group are people sharing a similar social relation.

Khadeeja being interviewed by Quddus on social groups

The feedback which was received from Khadeeja was mostly positive and a few negative points. She clearly gave representations that we constructed within our film opening. The main one was with gender and age, gender being a stereotypical look on girls as she looked quite girly with her necklace and bow tie. The representation on age was for both men and girls as the dead man portrayed a villain or a negative side to males whereas, for the representation of youth it was with the young girl as there were some obvious ideas such as a teddy bear and the way she was scribbling out. Also, disability was portrayed within our film opening which Khadeeja understood as of the close ups we took of the young girl with her unhinged looks. I think the feedback which was received was really good overall.

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