Monday 4 February 2013

Prelim Evaluation

The Prelim exercise was a great practice before actually creating our very own film as we got to film/edit and try out different camera shots, like a taster. However, we did make a few errors such as the framing, but as a group we were able to create a good film and story. We also put the match cut in the wrong place, but overall our film/project was good as a whole. We added sound successfully and correctly using Soundtrack Pro - especially with the gunshot at the end, to keep the audience interested and to grab their attention through creating a tense atmosphere. To improve our short film, we could have added in a tense background music (that would run throughout most of the film) during the editing session to make the video more interesting to watch. We also put titles up using Final Cut Pro at the beginning of our film, to make it look professional. Our editing and camera skills weren't perfect or the best, but we managed to produce a fairly decent short film from this exercise. This experience has given us the opportunity to gain new skills and we feel much more confident about filming the actual thriller opening now because of this. The best part was that we even had time to create a short and funny bloopers video! :D

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